Growing up on dairy should mean I've earned the right to be lactose intolerant free. After all, I drank unpasteurized milk for much of my life and helped my mom distribute Christmas gifts of whipped cream, cheese and butter to colleagues. Recently though, I have developed a lactose intolerance! This is untimely because for the first time in my life I have begun to enjoy coffee, but only café au lait and now this doesn't sit well with my stomach. So Candace, I'm sorry, but you missed my three week coffee addiction, I'll have to go back to drinking teas at your place again.
I have found a good milk substitute: Oat Dream! With a name like that, you know it's bound to be good. I wanted an alternative to soy milk because I think we have it too often in our food and there is some evidence emerging that shows soyfood can mess with the thyroid gland, interfere with protein digestion, rob the body of minerals and upset hormone imbalance. Other options include almond and rice milk, which aren't the bomb, in my three week experimental opinion.
On another note, my skin has cleared up since making the switch in just these few weeks. After looking into it some, it seems that acne could be potentially linked to milk products. It's too soon to for me to make a conclusive judgment off my personal experience, but I'm becoming more of a believer. Since lactose intolerance can develop at any stage in a person's life, it makes sense that I had clear skin in high school, and in these last three years, it has completely changed.
My wise dairy loving mother pointed out that old cheeses have less lactose, which means that's why I didn't make the connection sooner. Since the symptoms and sensitivity vary person to person, it could be that cheese has less of an impact on me.
Anyway, I know this post is a little anti my roots, but I am feeling a little betrayed by the newly discovered ailment. At least Robby has someone to champion for less milk products.
I can't believe I missed your coffee phase! But I am buying a really yummy chai mix, so we can drink that when you return. I don't know what Dad's going to say about having to carry oat dream in the fridge alongside the real thing.